Note File Structure

The notes are located under the notes/ directory, with structure organized by file tree. Currently we support directly writing markdown (.md) files and latex (.tex) files, you can directly edit them using any editor you want, they will be rendered automatically upon accessing the website.

We have support for advanced latex rendering, so you can include \begin{align*}, \begin{tikzcd} in your markdown or latex files, they will be compiled separately and handled automatically, independent of the rest of the pages.

Header Convention (Optional)

It is optional to add some lines of header data on the top of your notes as follows (no empty lines above the header, the order of these tags cannot be changed, but you can omit some of them):

% Author: List of authors separated by ','
% Title: Title of the note, without the title, it will default to the file name
% Tags: List of tags separated by ','
% Header: The name of your header file, if you want to include one, in headers/ directory
% Visibility: Public or Private, if you set it to Private, only registered member will be able to access it.

these options can be partly omitted.

For example,

% Author: Clever Black Cat
% Title: Theoretical Mechanics and Badminton
% Tags: Physics, Sports, Fun, Not Black Pig
% Header: black-cat.tex
% Visibility: Public

# Theoretical Mechanics and Badminton
This is a guide on how to win through the entire badminton playground using black cat's theoretical mechanics.

The Online Editor

In the online editor, you do not need to write these headers yourself (you could if you wish, but only do this for new notes). You can edit these headers in the online editor by clicking the “Document Settings” button on the top of the editor.

Where to Put Your Notes

  • You could put your notes in an appropriate directory (categorized in certain ways) under the notes/ directory.

  • You could also put your

    • personal notes, like scratch of ideas

    • notes that only you can understand

    • notes that does not fit into any categorization

    in your own directory, like notes/your_name/. (We are also considering putting it in notes/user/your_name, haven’t decide yet)

  • If you are not sure what subject a note belongs to, no worry, put it in any relevant directory or your own directory, or lay it out in a flat way. Make sure you add enough tags so that it can be easily searched.

Naming convention for authorized pages

If you name a note file or directory inside wiki/ or notes/ starting with _, this page will be hidden and only accessible by registered members.

Remote Editing Tools

Essentially you can edit under ssh or scp. Notes are located in the /root/asukachan/notes/ directory.