Author: Eiko

Time: 2025-02-04 11:04:28 - 2025-02-04 11:04:28 (UTC)

Idea is to consider \(3d\) \(N=4\) quiver gauge theory.

Poincare groups gives super Poincare algebras

  • Higgs branch: classical, no quantum correction, hyperkahler

  • Coulomb branch: quantum, very difficult.

They are symplectic singularities

  • \(X\) is normal poisson,

  • there exists \(U\subset X\), .. cone

  • there exists \(\pi:\tilde{X}\to X\) such that \(\pi^*\omega\) has no poles on \(\tilde{X}\).

  • \(X\) is affine

  • there exists a \(\mathbb{C}^*\) action that contracts \(X\) to a point.