Simplicial Homotopy Theory by Paul G. Goerss and John F. Jardine
Simplicial Objects in Algebraic Topology by J. Peter May
Higher Topos Theory by Jacob Lurie
Consider the category \(\mathbf{LO}\) of linearly ordered sets and order-preserving maps. Let \(\Delta\subset \mathbf{LO}\) be the subcategory called ordinal number category consisting of finite linearly ordered sets whose objects we denote by \(\Delta = \{[0], [1], [2], \cdots\}\), where the combinatorial simplices \([n]\) is generated by \(0\le 1\le \cdots\le n\) and depicted by arrows as
\[[n]=\{0\to 1\to \cdots \to n\}.\]
A simplicial object in any category \(\mathcal{C}\) is a contravariant functor \(S:\Delta^{op}\to \mathcal{C}\).
A cosimplicial object in \(\mathcal{C}\) is a covariant functor \(C:\Delta\to \mathcal{C}\).
A simplicial set is a simplicial object in the category of sets, i.e. a contravariant functor \(S:\Delta^{op}\to {\bf Set}\).
Concretely speaking it consists of
For each \(n\ge 0\) a set \(S_n = S([n])\), the set of \(n\)-simplices.
For each order-preserving map \(f:[m]\to [n]\) a map \(f^* = S(f): S_n\to S_m\) compatible with composition.
The category of simplicial sets is denoted by \({\bf Set}_\Delta\).
On combinatorial simplices \(\Delta\) all maps can be generated by the face maps and degeneracy maps
\(p_{i,n}: [n-1]\to [n]\) is the order-preserving map that jumps over \(i\), i.e. \(p_{i,n}(i) = i+1\). Here \(0\le i\le n\).
\(q_{i,n}: [n+1]\to [n]\) is the order-preserving map that duplicates \(i\), i.e. \(q_{i,n}(i) = q_{i,n}(i+1) = i\), \(0\le i\le n\).
The face maps \(d_i=p_{i,n}^*: S_n \to S_{n-1}\) are the functorial images of \(p_{i,n}\).
It obtains the \(i\)-th face of any simplex by omitting the \(i\)-th vertex.
The degeneracy maps \(s_i=q_{i,n}^*: S_n \to S_{n+1}\) are the functorial images of \(q_{i,n}\).
It duplicates the \(i\)-th vertex of any simplex.
Axiomatically simplicial sets can be described as \(\{S_n,d_n,s_n\}\) satisfying the simplicial identities
\(d_i d_j = d_{j-1} d_i\) for \(i<j\).
This will jump over \(i,j\) vertices and obtain an \(n-2\) face. The \(j-1\) is due to the fact that \(d_i\) jumps over \(i\) and affects the indexing for \(j>i\).
\(d_i s_j = s_{j-1} d_i\) for \(i<j\).
This will jump over \(i\) and duplicate \(j\) vertices, which is equivalent to duplicating the \(j-1\)-th vertice after jumping over \(i\).
\(d_i s_i = d_{i+1} s_i = \mathrm{id}\).
First duplicate the \(i\)-th vertex and then jump over one of them, which is equivalent to doing nothing.
\(s_i s_j = s_{j+1} s_i\) for \(i<j\).
Duplicate \(i\) and \(j\).
for any linearly ordered set \(L\) we can write \(\Delta^L = h_L = \mathrm{Hom}_\mathbf{LO}(,L)\) for the representable functor which is a simplicial set (by restricting to the subcategory \(\Delta\)).
Write \(\Delta^n = h_{[n]} = \mathrm{Hom}_\Delta(,[n])\) for the standard \(n\)-simplex, the most important simplicial set. Yoneda’s Lemma gives
\[\mathrm{Hom}_{{\bf Set}_\Delta}(\Delta^n, S) = S([n]) = S_n.\]
The \(j\)-th horn \(\Lambda^n_j\subset \Delta^n\) is a simplicial set, a subfunctor of \(\Delta^n\) generated by all the faces except \(j\), i.e. \(\{d_i(\Delta^n): i\neq j\}\). It consists of
\[\mathrm{Hom}(\Delta^m, \Lambda^n_j) = \left\{f\in \mathrm{Hom}([m],[n]): f([m])\cup \{j\}\neq [n]\right\},\]
here \(f([m])\cup \{j\}\neq [n]\) exactly rules out the \(j\)-th face and its subfaces, note that the interior is also removed. This construction can be generalized to \(\Lambda^J_j\subset\Delta^J\) for any \(J\in \mathbf{LO}\).
The realization functor \(|\cdot|: {\bf Set}_\Delta\to \mathbf{Top}\) sends a simplicial set \(S\) to its geometric realization \(|S|\), which is the real topological space obtained by gluing together the standard simplices \(\Delta^n\) according to the simplicial structure of \(S\).
For standard simplex, define
\[|\Delta^n| = \left\{ (t_0,\cdots,t_n)\in \mathbb{R}^{n+1}: \sum t_i = 1, t_i\ge 0\right\}.\]
For any map \(f:\Delta^n\to \Delta^m\in {\bf Set}_\Delta\) or equivalently any map \(f:[n]\to [m]\) in \(\Delta\), we have an induced map \(|f|:|\Delta^n|\to |\Delta^m|\) defined by
\[|f|(t_0,\dots,t_n) := \left(i\mapsto \sum_{j\in f^{-1}(i)} t_j\right)_i.\]
If we think of \(|\Delta^n|\) as the space of probability distributions on \([n]\), then \(|f|\) is the pushforward of probability measures >w<.
In the general case,
\[|X| := \mathrm{colim}_{\{\Delta^n\to X\}} |\Delta^n|,\]
where \(\{\Delta^n\to X\}\) is the category of all simplicial maps from \(\Delta^n\) to \(X\) with morphisms all over \(X\). Clearly the assignment \(S\mapsto \{\Delta^n\to S\}\) is functorial, so the functor \(|\cdot|\) is functorial.
\((|\cdot|, S)\) is an adjoint pair with \(S:\mathbf{Top}\to {\bf Set}_\Delta\) the singular functor \(S(X)([n]) := \mathrm{Hom}(|\Delta^n|, X)\). We have
\[\mathrm{Hom}_{\mathbf{Top}}(|X|, Y) = \mathrm{Hom}_{{\bf Set}_\Delta}(X, S(Y)).\]
Proof. \[\begin{align*} \mathrm{Hom}_{\mathbf{Top}}(|X|, Y) &= \mathrm{Hom}_{\mathbf{Top}}\left(\mathrm{colim}_{\{\Delta^n\to X\}} |\Delta^n|, Y\right) \\ &= \lim_{\{\Delta^n\to X\}} \mathrm{Hom}_{\mathbf{Top}}(|\Delta^n|, Y) \\ &= \lim_{\{\Delta^n\to X\}} \mathrm{Hom}_{{\bf Set}_\Delta}(\Delta^n, S(Y)) \\ &= \mathrm{Hom}_{{\bf Set}_\Delta}\left(\mathrm{colim}_{\{\Delta^n\to X\}} \Delta^n, S(Y)\right) \\ &= \mathrm{Hom}_{{\bf Set}_\Delta}(X, S(Y)). \end{align*}\]
\({\bf Set}_\Delta\) has a model structure with weak equivalences, fibrations, and cofibrations defined as follows,
\(f:X\to Y\in {\bf Set}_\Delta\) is called a fibration if it is a Kan fibration, i.e. for any diagram
of solid commutative arrows, there exists a dashed arrow making the diagram commute.
One can understand it as higher homotopy lifting property, any image of \(\Delta^n\) whose horn can be lifted to \(X\) can be completed to \(X\).
Another way to understand is, \(\Delta^n\) can be seen as the higher composition of \(\Lambda^n_k\) (it actually includes higher inversions as well so behaves more like a groupoid than an ordinary category). So it requires if certain arrows in \(X\to Y\) has a composition in \(Y\), then it must have a corresponding composition in \(X\) lying over it.
\(f:X\to Y\in {\bf Set}_\Delta\) is called a cofibration if it is a subfunctor, i.e. \(f\) is injective on \(n\)-simplices for all \(n\).
\(f:X\to Y\in {\bf Set}_\Delta\) is called a weak equivalence if the induced map of geometric realization \(|f|:|X|\to |Y|\) is a homotopy equivalence.
These model structures need to satisfy five axioms,
limit axiom: \({\bf Set}_\Delta\) has all finite limits and colimits.
2-out-of-3 property: In a composition, if two out of three maps \(f,g,h\) are weak equivalences, then so is the third.